Monday, March 14, 2005

Super Star!

The Little Debbie guy said hi to me yeaterday. I was very happy about that. Our coke guy at work sucks. He never talks to me but he does talk to one of my friends. Not cool dude.

Today was one of my days off but I had to be at work for a stupid meeting at 6 in the morning. Not fun. Its cold out at that time in the morning. and not everyone came to the meeting, the ones that don't show up missed an extra hour or more of pay. The front end doesn't have to cut time anymore!!!!!!!! There is a little less stress.

New hot pepsi guy at work. I saw him and was told by a few people to look for him. He is even hotter the K!

More later.

Laura Suki

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Okay so the little debbie guy didn't quit his job. I have only seen him twice since the day he found out. He used to wave and/or say hi to me, now its like he wont even look at me. So he is on my shit list. His loss right?????

Saw K the other night looking hot in a pair of jeans. He really looks good in blue.

More Later,
Laura Suki