Saturday, August 28, 2004

I'm a big flirt!

Today I flirted with "K" like crazy. In other words I talked to the man. It was good. I made him laugh, and he made me laugh. It was great. Can't wait for Thursday. Thats when we see each other again. YEAH!!!

I need a life or a boyfriend. Heck why not both?

In other news. Jimmie just finished 3rd in the race. I'm soo happy for him and all of the team Lowe's.

Not much else to say.


Thursday, August 26, 2004


Today at lunch I found out that "K" knows that someone likes him. The person would have told him it was me but they couldn't remember my name. So know everyone is saying that they are gonna tell him its me. Right now I really don't care. This could be a good thing right?

The best part about today was that it was payday. YEAH!!!!!

Monday is gonna suck. I have to be at work at 6AM for a stupid meeting. I don't work untill 9AM. I hate it when that happens. I have the hicups righ now. They hurt. They hurt bad. Could someone make them go away? Please?


More later.
Laura Suki

Monday, August 23, 2004

Look I'm updateing

So its about time I update right. Sorry I took so long to update. I keep forgeting about this.

I need a life. I have a great day at work only if I see my Pepsi guy. And yes I drool over him. Its a plus if I also see someone I work with. He's tall and sexy. "K" the Pepsi guy is short and very, very sexy. "J" is the co-worker. From now on thats all ya need to know.

I really don't have much to say. Sorry.

Laura "Suki"